We were recently alerted to a New and Improved political movement known as the Coffee Party Movement, which grew from the rantings of a very young lady on her FaceBook page. You can read more about their movement at the link below, as well as, see the video that we transcribed for this editorial.
This speech, by the Coffee Party Movement founder- Annabel Park, is an excellent example of hypnotizing that Narcs do so easily. Her thoughts and ideas are general in nature with sentiment that appeal to everyone, but until you begin to look for those narcissistic ‘tells,’ you really can’t see how devious this is.
We present the speech, with our notes at the end. Can you spot those D List and Narc behaviors that are so cleverly hidden? I’ve numbered the paragraphs/topics to help identify any notes for that paragraph at the end of the speech.
1. I wanted to... umm... tell you about a group that started on FaceBook a couple weeks ago. I kinda lost it and started ranting on my FaceBook page about the frustration I felt listening to news coverage that made it seem like a Tea Party was umm representative of uhhh America.
2. I completely disagree with this. And I started, youknow, writing comments about it on my FaceBook Page and then there was a flurry of ..[giggle] instant feedback from other people who agreed with me and similarly felt pent up and frustrated.
3. The Group is called The Coffee Party Movement and obviously we are referencing the Tea Party and we are an alternative to the Tea Party (sic- run on sentence).
4. And we want to see cooperation umm in (sic) among people in congress and government. And we want to see people who are representing us move towards solutions for the problems... instead of... you know...strategically obstructing any form of progress. Many people feel this is an effective electoral strategy to win youknow Republican seats in 2010.
5. And we object to {stutter} Obstructionism and extreme political tactics that are- I think- fear based, not reality based, and in many ways (sic)deliberate misinformation....
So we are organizing. We want people to understand that we are voters and we're going to come out to vote. We’re going to participate in the process. We are going to make sure that we hold folks accountable for Obstructing Progress in Government.
7. We need everyone engaged in the political process; that is the only way our government can function as an expression of our collective will.
8. We need people in this country and the media to understand: That this is America! We believe that we are representing ordinary Americans. And we believe that we are in the Majority.
9. We really have a collection of people who value diversity; are diverse; and we are completely comfortable with the changing demographics of our country.
10. You know, I think that it’s human for people to be nervous about, youknow changes in their neighborhood and in the demographics of this country, but it’s not something that should be encouraged. And it certainly should not be an opportunity for political gain. And (sic) and I think really the Politicians are exploiting that fear and anxiety for political gain, they’re really the worst.
11. We’re not saying that we have all the solutions, but we need cooperation to solve problems.
12. Youknow if you have people who are out to obstruct, even dialog, then we can’t have a functioning government (sic- run on sentence) and I think that it might be that , youknow, we have some solutions that are more in line with Fiscal Conservative, but we do know that none of these things can be considered at this point, because we are so divided and the process has broken down. That's why we are organizing because the process has broken down.
13.Do you want to see cooperation or do you want to see obstructionism in Congress?
14. Do you believe the government can help us address these enormous problems we are facing? You know.. If you don't believe the government has any role... then...yeah sure, you should join the Tea Party.
15. But, youknow, there are many of us who believe we have to have the government addressing these things; representing our interests.
16. People in Congress... they are paid by us; we hire them. Okay, they work for us, right? They don’t work for corporations or a sliver of our demographic; they are supposed to represent us. That’s their job.
17. And we need to start acting like Bosses. We need to start acting like thethe Board of Directors, like, we need them to get to work! youknow Instead of fighting! And we need people to get out of the way. So this is an open invitation for people to participate believing that the government should function for our interests.
NPD Notes... each note is addressing the corresponding topic from Annabell Park's speech above:
1. Any public venue such as FaceBook is a Narc’s feasting grounds. The public display, adoration, potential for defensive situations, self controlled privacy settings with the option of no privacy, the ability to block individuals, all of this can cater to a Narc’s need for admiration while control those who will disrupt the delusions.
2. Oh, she is PC by saying that she Disagrees that the Tea Party represents Americans, but it is her giggle that folks started agreeing with her that is her ‘tell.’ She was giddy that she had so many folks who would validate her beliefs, ie, supply her with someone to bolster the delusions.
3. This infantile tactic of creating a group that is diametrically opposed to a well established more popular group- is something that most of us out grew in junior high. This is a narc wanting to Dismiss and Destroy something that is impeding the forward momentum towards their goal;
4. Narcs cannot tolerate any disruption of the delusions, nor anyone preventing the momentum towards what they want. She demonizes the opposition by inferring they are obstructing good and valued legislation that ‘will help people.’ The failure of her logic is that, this obstructing is a direct result of Americans who believe it will PROTECT a very large number of people.
5. Dismiss, demean and destroy any arguments that disrupt their delusions.
6. This is a common tactic for the narcs in our lives: threaten folks with something that most of us would find lame. This is tied to their delusions of grandeur that because ‘they of the specialness’ are gathering to stop you, you must be afraid and stop what you are doing so they don’t have to do anything.
7. Oh this is a major Tell: Our Collective Will. Although she says it as a general Third Person voice... that ‘royal habit’ of speaking of oneself in the third person is there. She is trying to lend validation and credibility to her movement by including ALL of Americans within that Collective Will. The failure of her logic is that her values and beliefs DO NOT represent a huge number of Americans.
8. Narcs love to state the obvious, since no one can argue with them, but it also is an appeal to draw folks in. State an obvious frustration and you will get folks attention. Another tell of her NPD, they Believe they are the Majority... and open invitation to come join her Carefully Constructed Universe or you risk not being a part of the more Popular Group. Sure, her opinions echo the vast majority of folks who are within her Universe, but that logic falls apart when looking at the ENTIRE nation, and not just the confines of her group of friends at Facebook and their like minded friends outside of that social network.
9. This manipulation is trying to lend validity that they have a Wide Representation, so they aren’t pigeonholed as bigots- because they represent only a ‘sliver’ of the nation’s demographics. This section is trying to dismiss those who believe in Traditional Values by demeaning them with the inference that they are Uncomfortable with the Changing Demographics.
10. Narcs must demonize all those who disrupt the delusions or any forward progress towards our goals. Narcs dismiss anyone’s feelings that disrupt their delusions as unimportant or emotionally/mentally unstable.)
11.Narcs seem humble when they say things like this, but when you read between the lines you get: I don’t have ANY of the answers, but I really like those answers over there that see to my needs.
12. Again, Narcs like stating the obvious because it garners them empathy and draws folks into their universe. Of course the fighting in Congress is impeding forward movement towards help for the people... her logic on this fails, because our Congress has FOUGHT BITTERLY OVER ISSUES FROM ITS VERY INCEPTION. The Fighting- THAT is the process of our Government. The fact they are angry over this fighting, is their Narcissistic Tell: Congress is fighting over something they want, and they must do everything to remove the Disruptions to what they want.
The Fiscal Conservative notion- given that EVERYTHING else she has said is pretty much socialism in disguise- again, just a tease to disguise their true motives and beliefs and to create the delusion that they are truly diverse.
13. Ms. Parks is the Rodney King of her people crying "Can’t we just get along!?" This is how she demonizes Obstructionism as the evil that is preventing all the good.
14. As all good narcs, Ms. Parks lacks that foresight and logic that would help her see, that Conservatives will see right through her socialist agenda. No, government is not supposed to take care of your personal problems, like changing your diaper.
Then she demeans and dismisses the Tea Party movement as one that believes government should not have ‘any’ role in helping the people, and if you are stupid enough to believe that, then yeah you deserve to be a member of the Tea Party.
15. Ah, the familiar exaggerations and delusions of grandeur that ‘many’ folks, the majority of folks want government to take care of their interests... and she throws in those words our nation was built on- to lend validation to her weak belief: represent us.
16. Narcs never hesitate to use a tactic that works- even if that tactic was created or used by their enemies. This is one way they appear to be wishy washy... first she infers and demonizes the Tea Party and their beliefs, but then uses one of their tactics by saying the Government Works For US! But like a good narc, she then she infers that the Government doesn’t work for the Corporations, nor a Sliver of Demographics... the government works for THEM and they are the MAJORITY.
Again, the narc’s logic is always their undoing. Our government system was established to Protect the Minority while bending to the will of the Majority. Her delusions of grandeur make her believe that the government should listen to them, and only them, because in her eyes, they are the majority.
17. Her final words of the speech, tell us everything we need to know:
We need to start acting like thethe (sic) Board of Directors, like, we need them to get to work! youknow Instead of fighting! And we need people to get out of the way. So this is an open invitation for people to participate believing that the government should function for our interests.
All wrapped up in a air tight narcissistic bow: delusions of grandeur, selfish interests, manipulation, someone should take care of their needs for them, and those who would disrupt all the needs and wants and delusions must be demolished- they are non-human anyway and don’t count.
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