Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Delightful, Hypnotize, Manipulate

Narcs are Delightful, as a means of Deluding others to accept their own Delusions of Grandeur.

Narcs can be Charming, Charismatic, Visionary, Eloquent, Enigmatic... everything Normals would find emotionally attractive.

Narcs are masters at Drawing others into their own Delusions using these attractive personality traits as the bait. However, the attractive attributes are a facade, like a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.

Narcs are masters of techniques that Dr. Vaknin and Dr. Bernstien label Hypnotizing. This is not the ‘mysterious methods’ that have people barking like dogs or acting like monkeys.

The Hypnotizing that Narcs use are subtle Manipulations that illicit specific emotional responses in Normals. Convoluted to explain, frightening to see how successful they are.

These manipulations follow the same principles of ‘Hypnosis,’ since they convince folks to do things they normally wouldn’t, as well as, altering reality in such a way that folks know it is too good to be true, but still believe the Delusion.

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