Dodging responsibility for the Housing/Banking Crisis by forgetting it was a Democrat that Deregulated the industry to allow anyone to get a home loan, whether they could afford it or even have a job to pay it.
Deflecting blame for the Economy Crisis the Housing Industry caused-onto the Republicans and the previous administration for spending too much money in Iraq. Obama's return to the Torture allegations against the CIA and the Bush administration is an attempt to deflect 'blame/focus on his dying Health Care Bill onto 'someone else's actions that are much more heinous than his own.' Another attempt to prevent any Disruption of the Delusions about him.
By promoting the Delusions that a Junior Senator- who has never held a leadership role in his life- is this nation’s Savior due to his Special Intelligence and Intuition.
Using this astronomical Porkulus Bill to Detour/Distract Americans from the fact that all this generation of Democrats want is to Defalcate the Power through Socialism- if they control all the Money; they control of all the Power.
Deflating, Diminishing, Demolishing and Destroying Sarah Palin and her family served as a Decoy to Distract Voters from seeing the criminals, inexperience, and dangerous political & religious associations, in the background of the Democratic candidate.
By using Double Standards in allowing Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright to openly promote bigotry and prejudice, while using separation of church and state to aggressively silence all Christians and remove their values from our culture. The disastrous results of the Porkulus Bill to 'stimulate' the economy instead of driving us into deep debt, the failure of his Health Care bill because it would drive us into unrecoverable debt, these were not as heinous as what Obama's predecessors allegedly did to few enemies of this country... another double standard.
Through Devious tactics to Deceive the public, we still don't know all of Obama’s background, we don't know where his Loyalties lie, we have never seen his Birth Certificate, etc. His paranoia enabled him to set up a Spy Network, where common every day people could report any one speaking against his Healthcare bill, and he decieved folks by saying he was trying to 'prevent' misinformation. He tried to deceive the public into thinking that his National Healthcare Insurance would: improve healthcare, lower costs, and enable everyone to receive healthcare. The simple Numbers completely refute any of these deceptions.
Obama Defalcated power by a government style corporate take over of GM, & the Banking Industry AND creating an Interrogation Unit that would report directly to him. He is attempting to defalcate even more power by removing all interrogation from the CIA and put that 'power' under his own personal Interrogation Unit. His Health Care bill was another attempt to Defalcate power by hiding Socialized Healthcare under the guise of a National Health Insurance. The one thing that truly bothers us the most: he set up a spy network for common every day folks to report anyone speaking against him (Health Care Facts Report Center), this is a way for him to defalcate power over our 2nd Amendment rights to free speech.
As Ann Coulter says in the blurb of her new book, Guilty:
Liberals always have the to be the victims, particularly when they are oppressing others. (Usurp Defense from others by instigating fights.) Modern victims aren't victims because of what they have suffered; they are victims of convenience for the Left...(Delusions, Distractions, Decoys). Playing the game of He Who Is Offended First Wins, the key to any political argument is to pretend to be insulted and register operatic anger. (Double Standards, Devious, Diminish, Destroy, Demolish). Liberals are the masters of finger-wagging indignation. (Deflect, Decoy, Distractions, Detour). They will wail about some perceived slight to a sacred feeling of theirs, frightening people who have never before witnessed the liberal's capacity to invoke synthetic outrage. (Double Standard, Dodge, Distract, Decoy, Detour, Diminish, Demolish, Destroy). Distracted by the crocodile tears of the liberal, Americans don't notice that these fake victims are attacking, advancing, and creating genuine victims. (Normals must Disengage to prevent further Damage.)
Bill O’Rielly and Laura Ingrham have both noted the incessant and malicious attacks on their persons and beliefs, from Democrats. (Deflate, Destroy, Diminish, Demolish, instigating Defensive Situations)
Recently, Ali Sina has used Dr. Vaknin’s research on NPD and noticed a strong resemblance to the rise of B.H. Obama and how he successfully created a Cult of Personality. He compared the rise of Obama to that of previous tyrant dictators such as Hitler, Stalin and Khomeni. The comparisons are NOT based on any political ideology, but instead focus on the manifestations of NPD that all of these tyrants exhibited, especially Barack Obama.
Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer
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